Monday, December 16, 2013

Peppy goes wild!

Good morning everyone.

I hope you are all bright eyed and bushy tailed today, I for one am not.  However I am excited that the school year is coming to a close so myself and my two little poppets can recharge our batteries.

So much to before then though.  Like clean up the mess that peppy made last night. I swear it is like having a third child in the house that I have to pick up after :)

Look at all that washing powder!  
Peppy looks pretty proud of himself though. I am not sure my husband will be so pleased when he sees that Peppy has been scooting around on his lego motobike.

I can imagine there are also going to be some pretty unhappy Skylanders about if they catch a glimpse of Peppy's vest.

This elf is asking for trouble.
Stay tuned for more Peppy tomorrow.

Have a great day

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